Documentation and Tutorials

Hardware Requirements for Running Breezy4Pi

Breezy4Pi was developed on Rapsberry Pi 2 model B to take advantage of its native advances in computing power, i.e. 1GB of internal RAM and a quad core processor in order to host a web server and to be able to have decent response times.  It may be possible for someone to run Breezy4Pi on an older revision of the Pi, however I leave that as an exercise for the brave.

Setup and Installation of Breezy4Pi on your Raspberry Pi

Setup and installation instructions as well as examples are found on GitHub:

Learn how to configure circuit boards with Breezy4Pi and to run programs.

Example board templates are found on GitHub:


These useful templates are used to create boards which may be customly mapped for your unique application.


Article: Introducing Breezy4Pi
Introducing Breezy4Pi.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [530.4 KB]

Video Overview of Breezy4Pi:

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© 2015 Windhaven Consulting ( and Thomas Tibbetts.
Breezy4Pi™, and BreezyWeb™ are Trademarked.